Engagement Party Planning Services

Our dedicated team of planners will work closely with you, discussing all of your ideas for both your wedding and party, to create the engagement party you always hoped for. With extensive experience in the luxury planning industry and working with some of the industries leading suppliers, we will propose suggestions that complement your style, all within your budget. Your engagement party will enhance the excitement, and ensure that everything is in place ahead of your wedding day.


Taking the time to get to know you, we will ask questions about how you would like your wedding to be, focusing on the little details and ensuring that these are exquisitely emulated and uniquely different throughout your engagement party, unless of course you would like the style to be completely un related to the wedding. Service is of upmost importance to us and not only do we wish for you to have an unforgettable experience, we also wish for you to enjoy it in the lead up to your wedding day.

Design and Creative

Following our initial discussions, our design led team will begin designing the perfect party, ensuring that your engagement celebration is uniquely special and complements either your wedding or chosen style. No idea is too extravagant and if you are unsure of which design option or style to choose between for your wedding, the engagement party is the perfect way of being able to have both. We can get as creative as you would like us too, both in the UK and overseas, we will bring the day together.

On the day

Ensuring everything is perfectly placed, and that each part of the day runs to schedule, your team of planners will guarantee everything is exactly as it should be on the day of the party. Your engagement party is for you, along with your family and friends, to enjoy without any of the stresses and so we take care of everything for you. There for you every step of the way, we will assist you and your guests into creating unforgettable memories in the run up to the most memorable day of your life.


Kew Apartment

In Interiors

Traditional Styling

In Styling

Victoria & Pete

In Traditional Weddings / Weddings

Douglas & Nicola

In Traditional Weddings / Weddings

Alex & Laura

In Vintage Weddings / Weddings

Nicola & Nick

In Contemporary Weddings / Weddings



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